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104 - C2OOF - 1.8 - RHD - White - Current owner known (JH) - UK

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 7:31 pm
by Justin Smith
From what I have read in FORD documents, this car (along with 166, 070 & 159) was originally intended for Dennis O'Conner III in Texas , USA but he died before the car was sent. The car may have been worked on by T Hoyle of Witham, Essex but at some point later she was sold to (JH) of North Yorkshire, UK

I have spoken with (JH) who still owns her, she is now converted to RHD and is all white although I think she may have been black originally ?

When originally registered she had the index C304FWX but now bears C2 OOF and you can see this car in a RS Owners Club magazine dated Nov/Dec 2000

(TP) did take some images of the car when he saw it at a show in April 2009 in Malton, N.Yorks but I can't seen to get them out of the email as they appear to be embedded :(

May 2014, I found a way in the new version of MS Office of saving the images so here they are for your delight.

If you find out anything else about this car please drop me an email and i'll update the cars entry !