I originally had this listed as "C475TMO - 1.8 - LHD - White - Current owner NOT known" but having read more FORD documents from the 80's I think there is a story to this car, here it is....
In March 2004 I was sent an email from a chap (OL) saying he owned #76, I congratulated him and asked for some images but I received none.
I could not find any reference in the FORD paperwork to a chassis #076 ever being sold by FORD but then that did happen with some works cars so that is not that unusual.
A FORD document dated 30/6/1989 confirms this car as being in a list of cars "written off" - See the FAQ "How many were made ?" section for more info. In this document that car is shown as being a LHD.
In November 2004 I was reading an old RS200 Owners Clubs letter and it stated Thor Holm used this car since mid '88 as a rally X car. Fitted with 2.2L BDT E engine and heavily modified, built from damaged/written off tub VIN #076.
In August 2007 I had some info from (P) who said a (SH) had the car in the UK and that it had been recently issued with the index C475TMO, again, I asked for some images especially of the chassis plate or stampings but nothing came.
Then in January 2009 I was sent a scan of some paperwork from someone claiming to be the owner (TC), the paperwork was the UK log book along with a tax disc slip stapled to the DVLA slip (unused) along with some images of Thor driving a car from the 80's.
I thanked (TC) for the information and updated the website and was sent some more scans the following day but no conversation about the car.
I then started receiving many emails asking for information about the car as it was now being shown on Ebay for sale on a private auction - The seller claimed to be in Belgium - I became suspicious that my website had been used to create a providence for the sale of the car as the owner (TC) had mentioned nothing about selling her, in fact nothing about the car at all - I asked if they were able to send me an image of the VIN plate or the stamped chassis number but heard nothing. I contacted the seller on Ebay (using a false name) asking could I view the car before bidding but received no reply - I became even more suspicious.
I then examined the documents a little more closely.
In date order the sales document was dated 31/3/2000 from (LH) (Thors wife as sadly Thor had died some years earlier) - It listed the sale as a "Rallycrossbil, Ikke Reg" which I think translates to Rallycross Shell - No Reg.
There was then a customs document showing the car entering Tilbury dock on 4/5/2000 - It lists the car as a RS200 Rallycross Shell - The key word here is "shell" although to avoid taxes maybe someone broke the car up into parts to avoid import duty - who knows.
The next documents are both dated 25/7/2001, the cars log book and the tax disc but the log book has an error on it, the chassis number is actually wrong and shows the car as a FORD RS 200 EVOL - Something I have never seen before. I was in the name of (SH) though.
The seller (TC) then started to send me abusive and threatening emails claiming my website to be false and ordering me to remove the entries relating to (OL's) comments in 2004. I then started getting emails from another person who claimed to be a "freind" of the seller (PO) - His emails also became very accusatory and I asked if he had any involvement in the car which he denied.
Upon checking the emails of both (TC) and (PO) they were both coming from the same place in France - They were one of the same - I challenged him on this but he denied and then starting sending me bogus solicitor letters about the false information on my website.
A couple of the emails I received might give you a taste of what I received daily...
"me too, i can do it http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/862693.htm
now, 2 solutions for your dear justin,
1= you remove the wrong comments from my car and i will do the same as i m honest and my car come from the holm family and we stay friends.only one 076 exist and all the documents are there
2 = if you want to fight with me and be bad with me , i will burn your car on every forum and website in the world you choose to fight or be honest and friends
Thomas Crone
RS200 Evo2 only 740CV"
"justin, if you search all night, you will find more ads from a car who was destroy by fire, after it will be your fault, not mine
i play the same game as you, no more, no less why you will be the only one who have the right to publish false claim ?
a man send you an email and you publish it without checking ? me, i was in good faith, i ve show you my papers what did you show me except your arrogance
in 5 days, it will be finish for me, not for you last call "

I was then given some information from someone who wishes to remain anonymous, he claims that the real Thor Holm car was made up from bits from FORD back in the 80's but that it needed a chassis number so it was campaigned under the number 076. It received some serious damage (as you would imagine in Rallycross) and was re-shelled in a new shell. The old shell still exists and is in Norway along with some other parts from the car.
So, what was actually sold by (LH) to the UK we may never know, whether it was a shell or a car again, no way of knowing, what was sold on Ebay again, we will never know, the auction hit £110,000 despite what was going on but he bidders identity's were hidden - Could have simply been a scam to create a value in a car with a patchy history.
What did happen was the whole of my work on rs200.org was bulk copied and turned into rs200 dot com - My car (#193) was placed on fictitious auction sites around the world and was claimed to have once been burnt out - pure spite there I think - If you look on the "other" website you will see the entry for my car has been changed - Why (PO) (who does exist) has such an aggressive interest in #076 I do not know but I guess it is motivated by money - He has been banned from many websites/forums due similar behaviour.
The good news out of all of this is this:
1) This website stopped someone being ripped off buying something that needs further investigation and should not be taken at face value.
2) It prompted me to design this new website to make it a little more secure from further "bulk" downloads.
Anyway, ignoring all the grief I got from this chap, enjoy the images as Thor was a great driver, what ever he was in, and he gave great entertainment to many...
I know this car is being offered for sale so if anyone ever finds some more of it's history please let me know.
If you find out anything else about this car please drop me an email and i'll update the cars entry !